T-shirts and clothing

We use Redbubble to print our T-shirt designs. Redbubble has a reputation for being a market leader, producing high quality prints, on a wide variety of top quality garments. We have a selection of T-shirts from Redbubble and have been astounded by the durability of the prints.

When you click on the images, you will be taken to the Classic T-shirt listing featuring this design. Explore the listing further to discover the many types of T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies for adults, along with a wide range of children's clothes.

You will be purchasing directly from Redbubble, from whom I receive a percentage. Postage and packaging is controlled by Redbubble and will depend upon where you are in the world and where their production centre is.  This print on demand approach is an exciting, alternative and convenient way for me to run my business, whilst offering you top quality products at competitive prices.

Tor Gazing Hare

Tree of Life Hearts & Orange Sky t-shirt

Arbre de Vie Tree of Life

Tree of Life & Lotus Flower t-shirt

Tree of Life & Lotus Flower

Black Cat t-shirt

Black Cat & Full Moon

Glastonbury Tor & Tree of Life t-shirt

Glastonbury Tor and Tree of Life

Tree of Life & Fireworks t-shirt

Tree of Life & Fireworks